Saturday, March 24, 2012


Well, a lot has happened since I wrote last!  Where to start?  Things around the Oftedahl house have gotten slightly easier since February.  The girls' colic has been much better and most of the time they are only upset/crabby for a short period in the evening.  We have been putting them to bed around 10 though each night, so that has been MUCH better than staying up until 1-2 am to listen to them scream.  They are still waking up a few times throughout the night, but one night this past week was the first time they slept for about 5 1/2 hours in a row.  It was fantastic!   Hasn't happened again since, but we are hopeful... :)

In addition to a better sleep schedule, the girls are now smiling!!  It's the best.  Some of the time they will smile at random things on the wall or items around the house, but then they will look directly into our eyes and smile.  It's the melt your heart kind of smile, and it came just in time.  After a few months of feeling completely exhausted, their smiles are just what we need to keep on keeping on.

Ms. Abriella Anne

Ms. Ella and Ms. Eva on game day (darn Badgers..)

Since I last wrote, I have also gone back to work.  I started on March 2nd.  So I just finished my third week, and I'm really enjoying it so far.  I am teaching Spanish 2 and 3 at Verona Area High School.  My students and colleagues are all great, so that has made the transition a smooth one.  Also, my mom has been watching the girls for us, and that has truly been a blessing.  It has made leaving easier to do, since we know they are in great hands.

Nana and her girls

We were also so blessed to have Brett's mom (Brenda), sister (MaryBeth) and our niece (Alexis) come down this past week to watch the girls.  They were on their Spring break and also took some time off of work to come help us out and to spend time with the girls.  They did SO much for us and we cannot even begin to say thank you.  Brenda got up with us at every feeding in the middle of the night to help!  She even took them to the doctor with Brett when they got their 4 month shots and dealt with them after they got their shots (which is never easy to do).  MaryBeth gave up her spring break to help us out.  They washed dishes (bottles especially), walked the dog, cleaned the house, went to the store for some groceries, and most importantly hung out with the peanuts. We are so blessed to have them in our lives!  Thank you guys!  It was so nice to spend the week with you.

Ella and Eva in their cute spring dresses from Nana

Other than that, we bought a double stroller last weekend.  I have decided to call it the "baby bus".  It's a front/back stroller that fits both of their car seats right in it.  So that is really nice and convenient.  We initially wanted a side by side, but I think the one we found will do us just fine!   It has allowed us some freedom.  We have been on at least one walk per night, if not more, since we got it.  After being stuck in the house all winter, it has truly been wonderful to get out.  I think Roxy, who just turned 2 this week, appreciates it too.  Pictures of the baby bus to come!

We are loving the spring and are enjoying seeing all of the new life God is bringing with it.  This year I have noticed it especially because of the little lives He has placed into our hands.  They are such miracles.  Every year I am truly amazed at what beauty can come of something that seems dead.  It continually reminds me of God and His grace!